Friday, 13 June 2008


So, it's friday, and I have been doing this a week.
Friday is an exciting day for Dinner, it's the day that anything hanging around in the fridge gets used up, usually with chips. Other than a few bits left from last night, we don't have anything to make a meal from! We have one stuffed vine leaf, a couple of pieces of sun dried tomato, feta, and garlic. It is also the day that if we dont have very much we have a look in the freezer! It's our day for eating rubbish, well, not rubbish rubbish, but the only day that I allow chips. Friday has always been a rushing around evening, it is Scouts night. So it has always been a throw it all in the oven and see who wants what.
My freezer doesn't get fed very often, it usually contains things that I have cooked double (one for now, one or the freezer), it does have a nut roast, some rhubarb, some black berries, breadcrumbs etc. AND it gets whatever has been on offer recenlty in the supermarket! I think we might have some quorn burgers and some spicy bean burgers.
So I think spicy bean burgers chips and greek leftover will go very nicely together :)
£1 for the burgers, and 45p for the chips.
36p pp
Waste - None

Other waste today
Plastic wrappers from the almonds, and sunflower seeds.

So total for today 96p pp

1 comment:

rae-ann said...

I love our 'use up the rubbish' nights! Ours is usually on a Tuesday, as our rubbish is collected on Wednesday, so I like to rummage through the fridge and cupboard to see what we have.

I was realising yesterday (Little Miss Green had chips too!) how much stuff I have in the freezer that comes in plastic packaging - there is piles of the stuff :(

Mrs G x