Sunday, 22 March 2009


I am going to be moving all my blogging activity to a LiveJournal account.
At the moment I blog on Allotmenting, Healthy Eating and Reducing Waste, and reguarly post to other Yahoogroups, & Social network sites. In moving to LiveJournal I hope that I can write about everything in one place, I have only been doing this for a couple of days, and content has been a bit thin, but hopefully I will find it works and post more regularly.
The address is
I look forward to seeing you there.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

How is the challenge going?

It is going very well!!
We are more than half way through the month, and so far we have spent £22.25 on food.
I do have to go shopping tomorrow, and have quite a list, but so far so good.
It is not going to be successful next month though! I already have a Suma food order for £220!!
As it is bulk buying and lasts for more than one month, I will need to work out my spend over months, rather than by the month.

I have started making Pasties, made from Stew!! Day 1 is vegetable and tomato Stew, Day 2 te stew is used as the filling!!
This is very cheap! It costs about 70p for the pastry. The Stew costs, around £2. So £2.70 for 2 days meals for 5 people!

Today I have planted tomato seed. 4 different types. Early potatoes are also in, so food will be even cheaper in the summer!!